
Showing posts from December, 2015

Tis the Season to be Sniffly - Natural Cold Remedies

I love this time of year - it's Christmas! It's family and friends, it's time off work, and most of all - it's party season! It's also prime time to get a cold. I've manage to dodge all sneezes and sniffles up to now until BAM, the eve of New Years Eve I get a full blown classic cold. I'm determined not to let this stand in my way of having a good time on one of the biggest nights of the year - so here are a few things that I do when I get a cold to stave off the symptoms and get back to my old self. Hot Lemon and Ginger I drink this a lot of the time anyway as I love the taste and I also see a huge difference in my overall complexion when I've been drinking it. Lemon is full of vitamin C, and it also acts as a natural antibiotic so it really soothes your throat. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps with clearing your nose! It can also help fight off colds (I've been drinking hot ginger on it's own all month and it's done a pretty


When I first went on Roaccutane, I was under the care of a Dermatologist who was adamant on this piece of skincare advice: "Don't use anything on your face but water". This was big news to me. Seriously, just water? Not even a Simple Face wash? Not even cleanser? Toner? Nope, just warm water and cotton pads and that's it. I was 19 then and up until that point had always had an extensive skin care routine at night which was forever changing. My thought process behind this was that the more products I used on my face, the better my skin would become. I never thought about whether it was actually doing anything to help, nor had I ever considered simplifying my routine until that point. What the Dermatologist was unknowingly recommending to me is what some people refer to as the Caveman routine . A really strict Caveman routine doesn't even involve water. It is literally nothing. The theory behind this is that due to all of the chemicals used in the vast majority of s