
Showing posts from February, 2016

Agnus Castus - The Lowdown and FAQs

So far I've spoken a little bit about my external skincare routine, which does a great job in contributing to my overall skin health. But what you put on your face is only a small part of getting - and staying - clear. If you really want to get fully clear, you need to look at a number of contributing factors, such as diet, intolerances, and hormonal imbalances, and understand what's going on inside your body. It took a long time for me to understand this. For years I was convinced that there would be a "cure", a medication that I could take once and I'd stay clear forever. This is ultimately how Roaccutane was presented to me, as "the cure". It wasn't. After a lot of research and a lot of trial and error, I found out about Agnus Castus. This was a huge turning point for me. After a few months I started to see some big results, not just on my face, but for the rest of my body too.  What is it? It's a herb that comes from the Chaste tree, which is