
Showing posts from April, 2016

Marathon Minds

At mile 21 with the Cheer Squad <3 Photograph by James Measom In the days leading up to the race day, a good few people told me that "only 1% of the global population will run a marathon in their lifetime". One percent. Assuming that this is true, that means 99% of the world won't ever run a marathon. And you know what, I really don't blame them - 26.2 miles is a long way to go. A few years ago just the word marathon sounded like something H-U-G-E, something undertaken by "serious" runners, professional runners, something I certainly was not. It just never entered my head as a possible challenge I could ever undertake. However, a few years back I only ever ran alone. I did enjoy running, which is why I continued to do so, but I wouldn't say it was exciting for me at that stage. Running was so faded into my routine, my routes never changed and my pace had plateaued. I wondered if I could take it further and so it seemed like the next logical step for m