
Showing posts from February, 2017

Holistic and restorative oral care

It goes without saying that looking after your toothy-pegs is really important. Whilst standard brushing and flossing is a pretty bang-on modern method for keeping teeth healthy due to all toothpastes using fluoride as a main ingredient to protect and strengthen tooth enamel, I wanted to explore other methods of oral care and incorporate them to keep my mouth as healthy as possible. After all, hundreds of years ago toothpaste wasn't even around and people used alternative and effective ways to keep their teeth clean. It is true that a huge reason for this is that their diet was completely different to ours now, however, no matter what you eat, if you don't have good oral hygiene, you aren't going to keep your teeth for very long. I'm not encouraging anybody to abandon brushing their teeth with toothpaste at all, these methods can be incorporated into your normal routine. First things first... COCONUT OIL PULLING I've yet to come across somebody that doesn't love