
Showing posts from April, 2017

Agnes Water

I haven't dedicated a blog post to once specific place in a country since Pai in Thailand, but I have to give this amazing place up Australia's East Coast a special mention. Agnes Water is a quiet, relaxed place in Queensland. It's not a party place. It's very small, the main town centre consisting of one small row of shops, one cafe, one supermarket and a handful of restaurants. Life moves at a slow pace; nothing is rushed. The wifi is intermittent and phone signal is non-exsistant, which is a blessing or a curse depending on what kind of traveller you are. There are some beautiful picturesque spots to seek out, an abundance of surfers and a lot of sunbleached blonde kids skateboarding barefoot around the streets. It's how I imagined the majority of Australia to be away from the bustling cities and vast expanse of the outback.  So what is there to do in such a small, quiet town? There's actually a lot to explore and see here despite it being so quiet. Agnes has

Itchy Feet

I haven't posted in ages AGAIN mainly due to being lazy and also pretty uninspired during my last month or so in Melbourne, and I have ended up living here for SIX MONTHS now, which is way longer than I expected to be there when I first arrived. Melbourne is a great city, and even though I hated it at first, it really grew on me over time. It's an exciting place, very cool and there's SO much to do here with some sort of event or festival or gig on every single weekend, as well as an abundance of hidden bars and healthy cafes where everything tastes amazing (this took a significant chunk of my $$. I regret nothing.) It's so easy to enjoy yourself and spend a lot of money here. I had to constantly remind myself that I was there to save not spend. I was fortunate enough to get in to a great share house and make a lot of friends who are also backpacking, which made such a difference. I also landed a great temp - job working with some amazing people. It's the people tha