KET will air three hours of programs on youth mental health in November; first one airs Monday, Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. ET

Kentucky Educational Television will broadcst a six-part series called "You Are Not Alone," aimed at raising awareness of the issues regarding the mental health of Kentucky youth.

Topics will include depression, anxiety, stigma, suicide prevention, trauma, toxic stress, parental concerns and challenges, the role of schools, youth advocacy and promising strategies.

The six 30-minute programs, hosted by Renee Shaw, will air back-to-back on three consecutive Mondays in November. The first two, "Youth Speak Out" and "Help for Families and Caregivers" will air Nov. 5; "Whole Child, Whole School" and "Depression and Anxiety" will air Nov. 12; and "Trauma and Toxic Stress" and "Suicide Prevention/ Teaching Hope" will air Nov. 19.  All will begin at 9 p.m. ET.


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