E-cigarette conference in Louisville Dec. 10 is full; remote viewing locations added in Bowling Green, Hazard, Paducah

The Coalition for a a Smoke-Free Tomorrow will hold a half-day conference on electronic cigarettes Dec. 10 in Louisville, and offer remote viewing locations in Bowling Green, Hazard and Paducah.

The conference, titled "Next Generation Tobacco: The Impact of E-Cigarettes on Kentucky's Future Health," will focus on the recent explosion in the popularity of Juul and other pod e-cigarettes, especially among youth and young adults, and potential policies for preventing associated disease and illness.

Speakers will focus on the role of flavors in encouraging underage vaping; the extent to which e-cigarettes and other vaping devices actually help people quit smoking; what's in vaping products; whether they are a safer alternative to combustible cigarettes; and the evidence that e-cigs are a gateway to smoking for youth and young adults.

The conference will be held Monday, Dec. 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the office of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, 1640 Lyndon Farm Court in Louisville.

Remote viewing locations will be at the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce, 710 College St.; Baptist Health Paducah, Barnes Auditorium in the Carson-Myre Heart Center, 2501 Kentucky Ave.; and the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health, Room 214, 750 Morton Blvd. in Hazard (which asks that you use the free parking and shuttle service on Roy Campbell Drive (see map).

The conference is free, but registration is required for all locations. A light breakfast will be served at all locations and continuing education credits have been approved for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses. Click here to register for the Louisville location, which is fully booked and has a waiting list. Click here to register for the remote viewing locations. Click here for a full agenda.


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